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The thing we like most about CoraQuest is it creates really exciting stories, full of dare doing, close scrapes and all-round silliness. With such a marvelous pantheon of characters, especially given you can create your own, it struck us that it would be great to encourage ‘little heroes’ to document their epic adventures.

Whether its after a hair-raising delve into Hoodez Dungeon or in preparation for a future exploration, the button below will download three printable comic book templates to help heroes record and share their own fantastic fables.

Grab your sword and pencil case, its time to download the

Quest TemplateAll Templates

Want to know more about how you can create your own heroes, enemies and quests for the game? Then check out the easy to use customisation rules here!

And don’t forget, we love seeing how people are making CoraQuest their own, so if you do create your own comic chronicle make sure to share it on the CoraQuest facebook page.

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